script writing

Story task 

The lady in the maze..

 As Hollie walks slowly into the maze you could hear the sound of her heartbeat it sounded like a drum beating. It was a cold and dull afternoon there wasn't another sole to be seen, The wind was blowing through the maze it was raining. Hollie walked into the maze slowly she thought to herself this is huge but has wanted to do this for such a long time so off she went deep into the maze. As Hollie got further into the maze she herd a voice shout 'Get out while you can ' Hollie froze in fear where was that voice coming from ,she didn't dare move but knew she had to decide what she should do do i carry on or shall i go back that was the big question.

 What felt like hours the minutes passed by the panic was clear on Hollies face she was shaking and sweating she didn't know what to do she herd a voice shout  'follow my voice 'Hollie looked around but couldn't see who was talking she started to walk further into the maze as the day was drawing to a end the sun was setting the breeze was starting to feel cooler all Hollie could think of was how she was going to get out of the maze .

The deeper  Hollie got into the maze the more voices she could hear as she was looking around  she could see eyes peering through the edges of the maze 'who are you why am I stuck in this maze 'Hollie shouted 'I just want to leave' you cant leave you have been chosen by zoose the voices shouted. Hollie replied zoose who is zoose and what does he want with me why me she said in a panic ,All will come clear, all will come clear at the corner on the right there is a clue your first clue ,read the clue and answer.

Hollie started walking towards the first clue she was scared and shaking the darkness was creeping in she could hardly see where she was walking ,as she moved closer to clue the eyes in the hedges of the maze glowed brighter and brighter and followed Hollies every step, and every step closer Hollie hoped was one step closer to the end of what was becoming a nightmare.
