Soundscape analysis

Task 1 - Analysis

A - Find 2 different soundscapes and identify you individual sounds being used.

B - Describe how the use of sounds together create the intended soundscape.

C - Consider and explain how some small changes to the soundscape you have chosen could completely change the location/environment that is being represented.

Could you remove/add a small number of sounds to the base soundscape in order to do this.


City Sounds - Mega City - Traffic, Horns, People, Ambience - YouTube

  • cars
  • train braking
  • train going along tracks
  • horns
  • talking
  • shouting
  • snapping
  • birds
  • drums
  • bike bells

D&D Ambience - Full Scale War - YouTube

  • wind
  • swords
  • punching
  • arrows being fired
  • war cry's
  • swords hitting shields
  • running
  • horse hooves
  • rumble


To create a mega city environment

the full scale war creates a picture in my head by using;

Wind sounds - the use of this evokes the image of wide open fields in my mind, it is a strong sort of wind almost as if it were near and ocean or on top of a will. Because of the extreme wind sounds I believe that the scene is taking place in Autumn or Winter.  

Swords - i can hear the sound of the swords being drawn from sheath's and being slammed against other swords,  this makes me think the war has just began and every one is trying to get the first hit in. Because they are using swords i'm temped to think that its set in medieval times. 

Punching - the sound of punching makes me think that every one is trying to kill every one by any means necessary. The fact they are willing to punch means they are desperate to win this war by any means necessary. 

Arrows firing - this means they are either at a distance firing into the battle or they could be on horse back riding in firing at people who cross there path however the one that i think it is, is the one on horse back trying to succeed in the battle.

War cries and background murmuring - 

Swords on shields -

Running/stomping -

Horse's hooves -

Rumbling -

After listening to the sound on you tube it made me feel quite sad as you could hear the cries of people that are getting hurt or what sounds like people  dying.

You can hear people running as if there running for their lives and as if people are jumping on other people to hurt them.

The sound of sword fighting you can hear the scraping of sword on sword and the sound of swords hitting the battle shield were people are trying to protect themselves you can hear the force of the swords as there being swung at people its a very erary sound 

The sound of what sounds like horses running its like a stampede i could hear like a vibration through all the fighting which could be the people running and clashing together 

Overall it all sounds very scary to me i wouldn't of liked to of been in that fight the fear of been stabbed with a sword or even decapitated its just awful.


Soundscape 1 animal in morning in the woods you can hear the animal crying out to all other animals in morning you can hear the pain in its moan in the soundscape you can also hear the sound of trees the silence at times with birds in the background the camera filming it picks up the slightest little sound .

by having these sounds in the soundscape its intended for people to hear the sound of true nature and what happens as in the normal world you cant always hear the sounds of animals but the camera picks up on every little sound that with the human ear we cant hear it gives you a insight to what really goes on in the wild and can tell by the sounds that there is suffering. 

By changing the pitch of the camera you could probably change the way you hear the animals this may make them sound more aggressive and if you set up a camera in a different part of the woods for example you could get a totally different sound as it could sound more ecoey if you were near caves and more frightening especially if the camera was set up closer to the animal the sound would be completely different.

Relaxing soundscape

Relaxing soundscape you can hear like what sounds like running water in the background the sound of different instalments i can hear a organ or piano playing softly in the background and like a flute .

The sounds used  in this soundscape give of the sense of peace and are designed to relax the mind by using the different instruments while reducing stress that why they pick instruments that can be played softly.

By changing the instruments to different ones like drums and guitars you wouldn't get the same calming effect as these are louder and not very relaxing compared to the piano and flutes  it wouldn't let your mind relax so you would get a completely different effect to the relaxing soundscape.
